Originally posted by Merlin:
but the 3910 is basicly an upgraded Denon 5900 and there new top dog is the 5910.

Easy now! Me's thinks the 3910 is CLOSE to the 5900 but not in all counts an "upgrade". It's generally accepted that the 3910 might be slightly better on video (it only beat the 5900 by one point in the Secrets tests, 92 vs. 93) but gives up a bit on the audio side.

From Secrets 3910 Benchmark:

"Another change we noticed was the analog frequency response. While it was quite good, it wasn’t quite as flat as the DVD-5900, which has a slightly better analog stage and filtering,"

Plus, the 5900's extra seven pounds means it could kick a#$ if it had to!!

Just kidding really laugh ...just trying to justify the extra $500 I spend just 3 months before the 3910 was announced. Would love to have that HDMI that's not available on the 5900.


"A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner"