One more thing. I would break out your TV manual and determine EXACTLY what signals are accepted by which input jack. I have a hunch that the problem I outlined above may still have a role in the troubles you are having. Since I run X box off the S video, I can't speak of the settings needed for component. For instance: what signal is the setup menu signal from the X box without a game inserted? If it is 480i and going over component cables, then at least on MY TV there is only ONE input jack that will support it. Don't know because I don't use component (yet).

I do know that original X box games determine the native setting of it's output. That is, games produced in 720P will output that. If your TV is not 720P capable then I am not sure how the TV responds to that since you indicate your TV is not capable of 720P.
Arcam AVP700 Adcom GFA5500 Adcom GFA6000
Adcom GCD 700 Adcom ACE 515
Marantz DV4300 (DVD)
Pioneer DV578A (SACD,DVD-A)
Monster HT3500MKII
X Box, Samsung HLN-4667W
Energy C-9 (mains)
Energy C-C1 (center)
Proficient C645 (surr)