Here's my setup:

BenQ PE5120 (DLP DVI 16x9 854x480, 26 dB (!), $900 shipped with a rebate for a free second bulb, eBayable for $300+, or keep it for after you watch 2000-3000 hours worth of movies)
Oppo DV971 DVD Player $200
DaLite B 100" (80x60) 4:3 Matte 1.1 gain $130 (16x9 92" (80x45) about the same price).

I've never seen the 4805, but it sounds like it has great picture, tho not very bright, and a little on the loud side. I'm really happy with the BenQ, especially considering it's price, tho it has it's downsides (2x color wheel if you are DLP sensitive (I'm not), not the greatest

I upgraded from a DV963SA to the Oppo, the Oppo, while cheap as heck, has great video quality, I've only used it on DVI, but that it's strong point. A good review is on Audioholics. Not as nice looking (physically) as the Denons, but if thats not a factor, and you're going to use DVI, you should at least read some reviews on it.

I'm curious why you're considering a $200 CD Player, especially since you're considering the Denon 2910, which is supposed to have excellent CD sound. I just use the DAC in the 990 along with an Airport Express, or the Oppo.

I have a SVS PC+ 20-39, I previously had a HSU VTF-3, both great subs, but the SVS has more "boom". Not the prettiest sub (think a 55 gallon drum, with suede on the outside) but for the money, it sounds great and has lots of power.

FWIW, I watch my projector at 92" (80x45) 16x9 from about 10 feet away, and I'm very happy with the size. I wouldn't go any larger (pixelation), but I don't think I would go any smaller either.

I also have (and would recommend) a Samsung SIR-T451 HDTV Over-The-Air tuner, cost me about $150 shipped on eBay. PBS in HD looks really great on the projector.

I ceiling mounted my projector, it's about 6 feet above my head and 2 feet back or so, in this position, noise level is critical. The BenQs 26 dB economy mode really makes me happy, so keep fan noise in mind! If you haven't seen it before, has a great zoom/screen size calculator online, as well.

Finally, if you were concerned about DVI cable length, you may be happy to know, I'm running a 33 foot Atlona DVI-D ($80 shipped on eBay or so) + the 990 switching DVI + a 5 foot cheap-o cable with absolutely no sparkles or DVI problems into the ceiling mounted projector, from both the Oppo DVD & the Samsung HD tuner. Before I tried it, I was getting nervous hearing people talk about $200 DVI cables and $400 DVI signal boosters...
