Originally posted by natbrown_64:
Obie_fl thanks for the input. Yes, the Yamaha will play significantly louder than the 990 using the same settings (as best as I can match them up). And no, I don’t regularly listen to anything that loud. I stopped where I did because I really didn’t want to destroy anything, my speakers or my hearing. My point was that I could run the 990 at 100% and I don’t think I should be able to approach that with this setup.
Thanks for the HT compliment I appreciate it. smile

OK by the sound of the above paragraph you did not understand the gist of my questions. smile

What I'm saying is you are comparing apples and oranges. If you adjust both systems to play at 100db on your SPL meter they should sound the same loudness wise. Ignore for the time being whatever level you have to adjust the 990 or Yammie to, it is irrelevant to the issue at hand. 100db on your sound meter is 100db it doesn't care what you have your Pre amp level set to. If the Yammie some how sounds better when it is powering your system to a 100db meter reading then the 990 at a 100db meter reading then you have a real problem. Does this make sense?

If indeed you have a sound quality problem at equal SPL levels I would still suspect something in the bass management, but it sounds to me like you are chasing your tail. What doesn’t make sense is when you said the 990 sounds very good. What exactly are you trying to gain? Are you worried about headroom? If so I’d calibrate 0db on the 990 to 85db instead of 75db.

The Klipsch are very efficient as you say so I am kind of surprised you can max out the 990.
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