I received the 990 processor yesterday, I just finished setting it up, and I must say I 'm not impressed. The thing sounds like an FM radio station compared to my Harman Kardon 525 receiver.

I'm really disappointed, I should have suspected it. I posted many topics before ordering the thing asking for info on the musicality of this thing, no one on this forum or other forums can give me a direct answer. Then, I read the review from one idiot claiming that the thing sounds better than his Lexicon MC1. (#!#@*!#! what a big fat lie! mad ).

It will cost me another $60 returning the thing back + I won't get back the extra 3% my credit card charged me to do the USD/CND conversion, plus I'm wondering whether I will get the $280 (UPS Custom charge +GST/PST) the Canadian customs charged me.

First, I noticed, the HK volume range is around -76dB to +10dB the 990 is -76dB to +8dB. With the HK in stereo my volume level is usually set to -35dB (-28dB for moderate listening). With the 990 even at -19dB the thing is nowhere near the level the HK(-28dB) put out.

Second, the subwoofer output (With the tone->bass set to +6) compared to the HK is not even half of the HK bass output.

Third, the sound is so flat compared to the HK525 even in the upsample mode.

Fourth, this thing for a pre/pro is huge. It is almost twice the size of my HK 525 receiver, but only weights a third the weight of the HK.

I won't call the $1100 price tag a rip off but it does not worth that much if you take into account an HK 635 can be bought for around $700.

The only things I like about this unit are the Auto setup feature, and the easy setup. Remote control is also good.

Anyone who really thinks of putting this thing in the same league with the Anthem, Lexicon or for god sake a high end receiver such as HK needs some real professional help.