Originally posted by jacket_fan:
I enjoy multichannel music when it sounds most like 2 channel.
Then PLIIx, with it's more benign processing, will be the better fit for your tastes than L7. You can adjust the processing to minimize the contributions of the centre and surround speakers. The results should sound similar to 2-speaker playback, only with a more stable soundstage.

BTW, I'm the opposite: I use L7 with music specifically because it doesn't sound like 2-speaker playback. If it did, I wouldn't see much point in using it (I'd just play it back through 2 speakers).
He noted that utilizing the center chanel speaker improves vocals.
That's because a human voice is not a phantom-imaged, comb-filtering, dual-mono sound. It is in fact a point source, coming from a single location. Unfortunately, we're so used to hearing it reproduced at home as a dual-mono source from a pair of speakers that we've come to accept that sound as normal.

One thing to try is slide your balance control all the way over to one speaker and face directly at it. Then play a mono male vocal (AM radio talk shows work well for this). Compare the voice through one speaker vs the same voice as a phantom image through both speakers. You can decide which sounds more like actual voices you've hear in real life.