That's one month farther back in line, but we don't know what that equates to as far as a wait. The list is heavily weighted toward the first day or two, and we're already at least 48 hours into the list, so progress down the line should be faster. There is going to be a lull at some point when the first production run is sold out, but the second production run was already on the water three or four weeks ago and a third production run was slated to start assembly this month. Here's a quote from the May 8 e-mail that provided me with my ordering instructions:
While the decision to purchase is yours, please understand that due to high demand we will be shipping from the reservation list only for the next few weeks. If you decline to use your reservation but then later change your mind and decide to purchase, you will have to enter a new reservation and will be placed at the end of the list. Even with the second production run already on the water and with a third production run due to start shortly, we may not be able to ship from stock until some time in late June or early July.
Keep in mind that the first production run was built, packed up, and loaded on a freighter before the 990 was even announced, so they had no idea of what sort of interest might exist. This meant that the very first folks on the list went from finding out that the product existed around April 4 to getting on the waiting list on April 17 (two weeks) to placing orders on May 8 (two more weeks) to having units on their doorsteps around May 11 or May 12. That's remarkably quick. In comparison, the 950 waiting list was opened in mid-December 2001 and the first handful of units shipped out to customers in early April 2002 - and the pre-order list for the Emotiva UL that you may have seen some discussion of in another thread here has been open since early this year (months before the 990 list opened), and the current estimates there are for shipments leaving the factory in June and arriving in customers' hands no sooner than August. I think Outlaw's moving the 990 pretty dang fast.