I appreciate the recommendation for CQC, however, after reviewing that product and my budget some time ago I came to the conclusion that I would lean towards open source applications for my automation. In that regard, has anybody looked into developing a plug-in for EventGhost ? EventGhost is a free and open-source automation tool for MS Windows, that can be extended through plug-ins. There are already serial plug-ins for other receivers so I imagine that a plug-in for the 990 is quite do-able.

I would attempt this myself however, I am better at testing than programing. smile Of course I could set up IR commands for the 990 in EventGhost but I think that serial port control would be better.

For home automation I am using software called vcrib . It's free also but not yet open. I'm helping test and develop features there and have talked with the author about adding EventGhost support to extend the device compatibility of that product past lighting and simple appliance control. It already has an IR module but it is not as robust as EventGhost.

Anyway, I was hoping that one of you geniuses might be interested in taking a look at an open source method of serial control for the 990 so that we could all benefit.

Also can somebody post the entire command communication protocol with check sums so that we all don't have to repeat the math.
