I wanted to update this thread with my experiences with the RS232 protocol for the Outlaw and let you guys know of my favorable experiences with using Charmed Quark Controller (CQC) software to control the Outlaw (as well as the rest of my home theater and whole-house audio systems).

In a nutshell, I’ve been incredibly impressed with both the CQC software and the customer support I’ve received from its developers. I am now in the process of switching my entire control system to CQC. CQC is a PC-based theater and home automation software that can be used to create elaborate touchscreen-based graphical user interfaces and to control virtually and IR or serial-based device.

I worked directly with the developer of CQC to write a device driver for the CQC software to control the Outlaw via its serial port. From his office in California, he was able to directly access the Outlaw in my Virginia house using a software-based serial port server program that is built-in to CQC. In less than two-days time, he wrote a driver that exploits the full functionality of the 990's protocol.

I now have a gorgeous touchscreen interface that controls most of the Outlaw's functions and provides direct feedback of the volume level and front panel display. It also handles feeback from the second zone, which comes in handy when you want to control it from another room using a touchscreen interface. Finally, b/c the CQC software is aware of the status of the unit, it is possible to write intelligent macros based on the status of the unit.

Unfortunately, as Prefect noted, the protocol is limited in certain respects. It does appear to be a serial implementation of the IR functions.

But, despite the lack of discrete controls for surround mode settings, with direct feedback of the front panel display, you can reliably toggle through the settings and see what the unit is doing.

In terms of everyday control, I am very pleased with the reliability of serial control.

It's well-worth looking into the CQC product for home theater and home automation control, particularly now that it supports the Outlaw [and the Sherwood, I would guess!]

- Ken