If you have not already run into these, "RAF" an administer over at HTF ‘won’ a Runco projector with the new mustang chip during last years first annual HTF/AVS cruise. He just installed it recently, here are his thoughts:

http://www.hometheaterforum.com/htforum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=146915&highlight=r unco

Some other tidbits:

http://www.hometheaterforum.com/htforum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=147503&highlight=r unco

If you go into HTF into subtopic “Displays”, then do a search using RUNCO, you will get some other hits, some specificly regarding DPL FP's. (edit: I always type that one too fast. DLP DLP (there)
I thought of RAF because I was watching to see when he installed his new unit. I would however second the recommendation for AVS for video information. HTF posts heavier on the audio side of HT.
RAF did not purchase his but won it, keep this in mind when weighting reviews posted by purchasers

[This message has been edited by Smart Little Lena (edited July 08, 2003).]