:rolleyes: I’m sorry if this post offends some folks, but here goes. The subject of this thread is one of the greatest non-issues I have ever seen on this forum. Components don’t always match, even from the same manufacturer, but it doesn’t matter. All of you should be happy that all of the Outlaw components are at least black. The thing that matters most is performance, and for the money the Outlaw’s win, hands down. If the aesthetics are a problem than there are a number of options available to you. Audio furniture with frosted glass doors, perforated metal doors, or place the components in a closet. If those options are not good enough, buy something else. Most audio racks contain components from various companies, and they don’t match. Sometimes there not even the same color, let alone the fact that graphically they are different. As the Don Henley song goes, “ Get over it”. :rolleyes: