Respectfully... Matching faceplate designs are the least important reason I would wait. The balanced inputs on the 790 amp would seem to be a better reason for myself and others who are not seriously concerned about the negative commentary generated in the balanced vs. unbalanced debate. The 300 watts of continuous full frequency range power might also come into play for larger speaker systems and/or the head bangers out there.

Also, I am interested in the 990 / 790 combo, and the price break Outlaw will give on the pair. smile

As my heavy amps are down at the bottom of the racks (low center of gravity and no button pushing required), and the Pre-Pro is up top to save my back, the aesthetic argument becomes almost moot. And for those of us with balanced EQ gear, which are located just above the amps in my case, the balanced signal path will be most welcome and worth waiting for.

Nevertheless, I would like to send a big and indebted thank you to all of those who have bought the 990, as your pioneering spirit gives all of us a more informed basis for making purchases and conquering our fear of the unknown. The beachhead belongs to you.
