hi guys .. i've been sitting back reading all these great points between this thread i started and the (any negatives thread also.) .. it seems on this one we are back to my original statement .. the 950 and ul prepro are more alike or comparable and the 990 and dmc are closer feature wise .. i need to start a new thread for folks that are at a point i am ... i like the ul lmc for the reason i like the 950 .. they are based on their own base .. if that makes sense .. where the 990 is (sherwood base ) and the emo dmc .. sunfire theater grand based .. .. a sunfire prepro is ?? 4000 .. and a newcastle is 1599 ?? 1099 on net ...and yet the dmc was 2000 on pre order and is now back ordered at 3000 /// my new thread if you like to see will be what makes the outlaw 990 not a sherwood newcastle 965..