Hi guys. I'm a regular poster over at av123 (AND Axiom, AND AVS, etc.) Being a happily satisfied owner of an ICBM, I hope that qualifies me as an Outlaw. wink

I'm having a lot of trouble understanding why people feel the UL and 990 are comparable products. To me, they are completely different animals.

Just for the sake of argument, let's assume that both preamps are well made, quality units that sound very good. Obviously if one unit sounds measurably better than the other, all this is moot.

I see the 990 as as a feature rich, entry level preamp. I use the term "entry level" based on price alone, and not quality. So many of the preamps we hear so much about seem to cost considerably more. Based on it's features, the 990 appears to be a real bargain.

I see the UL as a (relatively) bare bones budget preamp which can open up the world of separates to many who could never afford to go with an Outlaw preamp/amp combo, or, for that matter, any other preamp/amp combo currently available. Does anyone know of a $700 preamp that is worth discussing? (I mean that as a genuine question, NOT a challenge).

The UL costs $700 and the 990 costs $1100. That's over 50% more than the UL (or, if you prefer, the UL costs 37% less than the 990).

So, I see the two preamps appealing to two, very different demographics. Those who can't afford the 990 will be very glad to see the UL. For those who CAN afford it, based on it's features, the 990, to me, is the obvious choice.

Doesn't it always seem to come down to money? laugh