Using the full flexibility of the 990, while at the same time making it simple for my wife and kids to operate, is a key factor in deciding to purchase.

I've got a Denon 2910 universal player, and I play CDs, DVDs, HDCDs, SACDs, and DVD-As. My wife and kids will probably never touch the latter three, using only the CD and DVD capabilities.

I'd like to use the digital coax from the unit to the 990 for CD and DVD, and the 7.1 analogs for the HDCD, SACD, and DVDA. So here's the question:

I see I can assign the 7.1 inputs for HDCD, SACD, and DVDA use, but can the CD and DVD inputs be assigned to the same digital coax? That way, I tell my wife to choose CD to listen to CDs, and DVD to watch DVDs. That way I can have the CD input default to stereo (or 5ch. stereo, or upsampling, or bypass, or whatever), while the DVD input can default to 5.1). This could be a moot point if the DACs in the Denon are better, but I'm guessing the DACs in the 990 will be superior.

Also, can the 7.1 inputs be assigned the same S-video as the DVD input? There's only 1 S-video out on the Denon 2910, so if I want to see the menus on a DVD-A, I'd have to be able to have the S video coming from the DVD input, or use a composite video from the Denon just for that purpose.

Thanks for any help!
