The Gonkster is, as usual, correct. Are you on the reservation list? If you are, then is seems as though you'll have a 990 very much sooner than later. If you are not, then the sooner you DO get on the list, the sooner you will have a 990.
What's the frustration? The Outlaws told us what their schedule for the 990 would be in the the very first announcement in a newsletter a few weeks ago. They seem to be not only ON schedule, but who knows, maybe even ahead of it! They promised that shipments would start before the end of May, and it looks as though that will happen.
Unlike their past products, and unlike some of the other companies that are about (?) to deliver new processors, the news here appears to be very clear, without any changes or excuses.
But what do I know, I'm ONLY a dog!
ARF, ARF says Iggy