ahhhh, I see. Thanks for the explanation. Very logical and easy to understand. If I can follow it, you know it's a good explanation. I appreciate your efforts to "edge-u-ma-cate" me.
I have a SB Audigy 2 ZS. Mine isn't the Platinum, so I'm not sure if I have a midi port on it...I'll have to read the manual. Also, what does a midi cord's connectors look like? Are they some kind of one-off connector?
The PITA I see is having to move my PC upstairs to my HT room...not so much the PC, but the 21" CRT monitor. Though, I guess I could hook the PC up to my RPTV. I have a laptop, but don't think the built in sound card is worth a crap. Although, I do think SB makes an external sound card for laptops...I'll have to read up.
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