Originally posted by elikd:
Being another Electrical Engineer I agree. Its an audiophile MYTH. Solid state electronics do not burn in. Electronics are designed not to vary and even if for some freakish uknown to science reason there was some type of change over time, why would it always change for the better? Not only does the mythological burn in change for the better, but it actually STOPS by itself when the sound gets pefect and does not burn in any further and ruin the sound. So apparently we engineers built tiny little braces that allowed our magic expanding circuit traces to expand but only to the point where the number of electrons passing was ideal and no further. I agree, speakers could vary since there are materials that would eventally warp or change over time. But then again, why always for the better, and why not past the point of better to worse?? Definitely EAR BURN IN is what we are talking about.
Oh My God! Soundhound has been cloned. smile

Elikd, I agree with You.