Thanks!. Quick glance shows above posted IRE explained, - I Think the panny does have a setting (labeled something else I believe which might be that) I’ll check on this, - I have not adjusted (the panny settings and should see if any menu there affects) since the II came in. And I notice a Video E link off your link (should of thought of that) which hopefully might answer under FAQ, some inquiries I have on test patterns.

Funny I had dropped dealing with the LCD due to lack of time for a awhile and got a call from the service center yesterday. (After that last visit tech support never called back and I never followed up having lost all confidence in that route). It was a funny conversation we had, with me trying to politely explain if they did not have a service rep near the ability level of a certified callabrationist, I was wasting their time. (in others words trying to tell them don’t come back just to push brightness level up to 100% again). Or at least a ST capable of talking to vendor support at Sony for some tweaks in SMode which could possibly alleviate the problems. She will research and call back,,,