The hook-up depends on the resolution you want from the disc. With DVD-A, you can use a digital audio connection to recieve 24/96 information on the disc. If you want the highest resolution possible audio, you will need to use the analog outs on the player into the direct, usually labeled pre-amp, inputs on your reciever.
There are a ton on low cost DVD-Audio players on the market. To say that a player reads DVD-Audio, the player currently needs to have the analog output. However, the majority of DVD-Audio players double as DVD-Video players. Therefore, these players will also have a digital connection on them. Search this forum for recommended DVD players and most people will recommend a deck that does both video and some form of high-res audio.
The reason you don't see a digital output yet for the highest resolution audio is that when you connect a digital output to a reciever almost all currently available recievers will downconvert (a new word??)the information stream to a lower resolution. This conversion defeats most of the benefits of the higher resolution recording. The only player/reciever combination I've heard of with a high-res digital connection is a proprietary model made by Sharp for SACDs.
For info on DVD-audio, check out this website: You can also check out Telarc's and Chesky's websites for more info.