The thing is the people they showed proably wont be ready on the 12th either. I think they need the converter box to be free to get one, with or without new coupons. Many in the crowd want them to wait at least another year. I dont know why the boxes are so expensive. They are all made in China and proably really cost about $8 bucks. Thier all cheaply made, have relative slow and poor performance and they break down quickly in some cases.
I couldn't agree more. They have been talking about this for at least 5 years. They are so expensive because the Gov't is subsidizing them by issuing $40 discount cards. Otherwise maybe they'd only be $24.95 This way, you still have to pay about $20 on top of the discount card. By the way, it's touted as a rebate when in fact you need to apply for the card and receive it before you go to buy it as it is used like a debit card at the time of purchase.

If they delay till June the same issues will exist. Unless it's free, installed for them, and they get some sort of "Inconvience fee", say $50 gift card for their trouble, then they just won't do it.

Just my opinion
Outlaw 990-7500, OPPO BDP-83, Main L&R: B&W DM604s3, Rears: B&W DM602s3, Ctr: B&W LCR600s3, Velodyne SPL1200R, Outlaw, Signal, Blue Jeans Cables, Sony 52W4100 LCD, Harmony One