Well the pressure was to great for my local stations. On the 16th they annouced they wouldnt switch to digital until June 12th. They came up with a fiqure of 40,000 people that still were'nt ready in the area. It showed some people crying hard as they thanked the stations for waiting. The thing is the people they showed proably wont be ready on the 12th either. I think they need the converter box to be free to get one, with or without new coupons. Many in the crowd want them to wait at least another year. I dont know why the boxes are so expensive. They are all made in China and proably really cost about $8 bucks. Thier all cheaply made, have relative slow and poor performance and they break down quickly in some cases. I have two in the kitchen and bedroom and they both have quirks. My magnovox gets really hot and doesnt respond to my remote well, the zenith switches channels by itself or you punch in channel 7 and it goes to 2. You would think one of these boxes would be good but they are really cheap crap bandaids untill we have new sets in every room.