Hi, Ive kinda been getting interested in over the air tv with the big switch coming. My father and almost all his friends are going round and round with these converter boxes. First off does anyone know why there are bars on the sides if the screen. They all have 4:3 tv sets so what ratio do you think the stations are broadcasting in? All thier boxes have a ratio feature to get rid of them but, it zooms in pretty large. If a true high def(down rez to 480i) program comes on they have to go back to the menu and re-set for normal screen because the "zoom" is to much then. It is a pain for everyone. Our local station showed Deep Impact a few weeks ago. It is a widescreen movie at 2.35:1 ratio. On his 32" set the picture was about 7" high. Needless to say the channel got changed quick. Why all the jumping around with the screen ratio? Black bars on top and botton and somtimes the sides too. We watched a comercial last week with bars on all four sides, is was a little tinf square in the center of the screen.