Thank you all for the suggestions and the laughs. laugh

Gonk: My rack isn't really tall enough to move stuff up. My huge TV, all 19" of it, rests on top of the stand. I am really looking hard into a closed type of cabinet but have yet to find anything I like that costs less than my $300 budget. It's tough to find something with doors that is wide enough for all of my equipment in that budget range. I really love the Studio-Tech racks but they start about $200 above my range. If I could find a cheaper version of that type of design I would be really happy.

The barrier idea is an interesting thought. I could probably rearrange some furniture to better block some of the wiring. Has anybody used any of the wire molding products out there? Any recommendations?

Bob: I guess I could borrow some gaff tape from work. Less sticky residue that way... wink