
Your not the only Outlaw at AVS however if you've had the same luck as me you may sometimes feel like the only one..........lol.
I am a regular member of AVS and try to help people out whenever I can.
I've seen the Outlaw bashing threads and have tryed to argue them till I'm blue in the Keyboard smile

From what I've noticed their are about 5 very vocal Outlaw bashers over at AVS and they do give a lot of people the impression that Outlaw is not well reguarded.
That really is a sad thing because many people will be swayed by the opionions of this small collection of Outlaw bashers.
I've also noted that most of them are using a Pioneer Elite Receiver as a Pre/Pro.
I see that as a matter of preference and nothing to do with the quality of the products. IMHO Elite Receivers are fine products but are also very warm and laid back and really the flip side of the very (what you put in is what you get out aproach) of Outlaw Audio.
I really believe this personal bias/preference for "warm sound" is why they don't like the Outlaw Products with their Brighter more analitical aproach to sound reproduction.
I personally don't like my sound made warm and fuzzy by my gear(thats my personl bias). I want to hear what is on my disk as true to the intent of the Band and the person mixing it as possible. Oulaw does a commendable job of this IMHO.

Don't let someone elses opinion sway you in any way. Listen for yourself and when you find what makes you happy(By Happy I mean that cat who swallowed the canary grin smile ) then all the reviews or opinions of all these other nuckelheads (myself included) won't mean squat.
Trust your ears and you can never go wrong.

Just my .02
Hope this Helps smile
