Hey Ziggy,

I was eyeing that one last night. I suspect my wife would kill me if it crashed . . . $869!


Thanks for the call out. I am already backing up 100% on all tunes. I use the PC hard drive that I originally burned the music on, plus the NAS drive on the house network. For photogrphs I have added a 3rd copy as I am paranoid (stopped using film 2 years ago). To go to uncompressed music, I'll need to add a 300GB+ drive to the existing PC (relatively cheap).

As for streaming, I prefer to accress from a network drive as it is low power consumption and needs to be on all of the time. It probably is cheaper to designte a PC to be a 100% server.
I can also add a USB hard drive to the NAS drive, but trails so far are extreamely slow in file transfer??.

BTW, the Roku sends a PCM signal to the 990 so theoretically nothing gets lost in the streaming . . . Thanks for the insight!