With no offense to Wayne, his explanation is nothing more than pseudo-socio-political psycho-babble with a smattering of sci-fi-drenched malaise. In reality, we are all fans of either music, home theater or both.

If you really want to get to the root of it, music is nothing more than an auditory escape. A combination of tones at various pitches and timbres than affect each of us differently and emotionally. Movies on the other hand are a semi-tangible release from our lives to escape into a world, be it realistic (dramas) or unrealistic (sci-fi), so we can escape the drudgery we call work/the world.

The stereo equipment we use and so lovingly cherish is simply a potent catalyst to perpetuate this need. Is this behavior necessarily evil? No. History has shown that various cultures engage in a plethora (I've always wanted to use that word) of activities as an opportunity to "see" outside themselves. To gain a perspective other than their own.

In short, why on earth are we arguing if the iPod is the keystone that marks the downfall of civilization? I think Disco claimed that title long ago. Is it perfect for pristine musical reproduction? No. Is it the reason our society is obsessed with Britany's pregnancy? No... er... well maybe, yeah. But it is not the eventual downfall of man. Its an MP3 player for crying out loud. Move on and enjoy your theater. We've earned it.

By the way, that is an impressive set-up, Wayne!
