You know I have to admit it’s not really the ipod that’s ticking me off. That is just the tip of a much larger iceberg. It’s this whole smaller is better attitude that everyone has lately. I over heard one guy bragging to another the other day (talking about their cell phones) He said proudly “mines smaller than yours”……….lol. I almost made a comment that would have gotten me into trouble smile Fortunately age has improved my judgment as well as my musical taste. Look at what this attitude has done to speakers. If you want full range tower speakers these days you better be very well off $$$$$ wise. This trend is what has made Bose one of the biggest selling speaker companies ever. Yet no one seems to care that they sound like crap!!! Small is cute so lets by those!!! The latest HDTVs are getting so thin that speaker manufacturers are shrinking and thinning their lineups more each year to better match them. Before long all you will have is a Midrange, a Tweeter, and a Subwoofer. Maby I’m just getting older but I never thought I’d see the day that I was dreading the newest release in the A/V industry. Just my .02
