Yep, the question makes sense. The short "cop-out" answer is try everything to see what you like best, and I do suggest trying a couple of alternatives to get the most from what you have available.
Specifically, though, I'd leave the CR-8's as mains, use the Take 1.2 center channel as center channel, use one pair of Take 2.2's as surrounds and use one or both of the second pair of Take 2.2's as center surround (using both will require referring to the 1050's manual to do some creative speaker wiring and switching the 1050 to 4ohm as described in the manual). By the way, the CR-8 looks to be comparable to the CR-85 that BA is currently making, so I'm looking at the CR-85 to see what you have. Looking at the specs for the Energy Take 2.2 (the four satellites in the 5.2 set), I'd probably keep the CR-8's as mains, but you should probably try both as mains to see how the 2.2's sound. It's possible that the overall sound of the 2.2's with the matching Take 1.2 center will give better results than the mix of the CR-8's and the 1.2. I'd keep the Take 1.2 as the center because while the 2.2's are magnetically shielded just like the 1.2, the 1.2 is "meant" to be a center, and that tends to make me want to let it stay there. The fact that you'll have mounting brackets for the 2.2's but not the 1.2 is just a bonus reason.
It would probably be worthwhile to try a couple different ways (you may want to simply use only one center surround channel, which is what I've done on my 1050), but that'll get you a good start at least. Good luck!
[This message has been edited by gonk (edited December 27, 2001).]