Did you set your speaker levels with a meter or by ear? I haven't had an experience quite like what you're describing, but I did have an interesting time getting mine set right.

I used an analog meter and could NOT get my front three to balance. Then I started moving things around and made an interesting discovery. My front right was continuosly at a lower level than the rest of my system, so I started the fiddling there. But I found that repositioning my front right speaker only made it worse or had no effect at all, regardless of how far I moved or angle it. But when I slid the front left about 3 inches to the left, everything balanced perfectly. Why? I don't know. I also discovered that by opening or raising the blinds on the window, the acoustics in the room changed quite dramatically.

Don't know if that helps, just my experience.

[This message has been edited by Owl's_Warder (edited August 17, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Owl's_Warder (edited August 17, 2001).]