So I finally had some time to myself tonight and figured that I would undertake the task of finally installing my new speaker cables. That task took all of 10 minutes and I settled in to give the system a quick once over. Fired up the 1050, ran the test, no right channel. Figure something must be wrong with the new cables, break out the DMM, nope continuity tests fine. Decide to try the cables in situ, cable tests fine with L channel. Decide to see if problem is limited to front Right, nope Surround Right is dead as well. Decide to check and make sure that it is the amp, not the speaker that is the issue, plug cable into Left channel, tests fine. So I figured maybe it was just bad luck, power down the 1050's main power switch, triple check all connections and fire it back up. Run Test program, no right channel, although this time I detect that there is just the slightest amount of signal leaking through the Left channel even though I'm testing the Right. Try to turn up volume a bit to see what happens, oh dear, the word "System" starts to scroll across the display and it instantly goes into shut down mode (standby). I'm guessing that can't be a good thing. So I'm sad, very sad, that my 1050 appears to have gone tits up. Any suggestions? I'm not sure I can see the value you in shelling out ~$100 in shipping plus whatever parts to repair a it and the timing of this is rather unfortunate.
Test driving a 1050 to see if it's worth moving up the line.