I don't believe that Thiels are biwireable/biampable. Supposedly they sound great, when driven by a great amp and supporting electronics. They supposedly don't sound nearly as good when driven by bad amps and electronics.

I am currently using an Onkyo receiver to drive three 4 ohm Linn speakers and two 8 ohm Mirage speakers. Even though the receiver manual has a warning to not use speakers with less than 6 ohms, I've had no problems. The Onkyo, however, isn't very musical (however, I'm comparing a $600 receiver with my friend's $5000+ Proceed separates driving the same speakers). It's much better for movies than music.

I'm going to either try the Outlaw 950/770 combination or, if I don't like the Outlaw combo, buy used Proceed gear. Another option is to use a 2-channel proceed amp (for the front Linns and stereo) but then use the Outlaw 950 and maybe the 750 amp.