
I hope the Outlaws pay you. Or you ARE an Outlaw. You are a wealth of information.

I've been reading the beta reviews of the 950. Sounds like some folks are wishing for a few more bells and whistles, but otherwise it is an awesome piece of hardware. I too would like some capability to control speaker volume. I have some very efficient speakers that are holdovers from my young days as an audiophile. I had built some speakers after I graduated from college. They were designed by a prof and his grad students at Ga Tech. They still sound great after all these years.

If the 770 gets the kind of acclaim the 950 has, I guess I will have to buy one.

What sort of sales volume does a company like Outlaw and B & K do? Seems like a real niche market. At the local brick and mortar store, they have the super high priced equipment (would love to buy some Martin Logans!) but I understand they sell mostly systems consisting of 3802s and Paradigm speakers. I will admit if it wasn't for the silly "buy American whenever you can" credo I have, that system makes a great deal and I would go for it.

I would have never known about Outlaw if not for searches on the internet. Having been in the business of packaging electronic equipment over the years, it seems to me Outlaw is working on a pretty tight profit margin. Difficult to market a product sold over the internet to the general public to get big volume.

$1,800 for a 7 channel, 200 watt amp sounds too good to be true.

I'm rambiling. I am anxious to find out about the 770.

Thanks for the info.

No matter where you go, there you are.
