We jest, but there *can* be value to power conditioners. I have an Equitech balanced power unit that uses the same principal for noise suppression as balanced interconnects: common mode noise rejection. And it also has surge protection, unfortunately with MOVs. But fortunately, there is an indicator light on the front that always shows the status of the MOVs. But it is still black. Maybe I can get even more improvement if I painted it green!

BTW, I *was* joking about any improvement with the power cords. Just that having shielded interconnects *and* power cords does make sure I have the quietest system possible.
Here's how I view it: no fancy schmancy power cord, power conditioner, cable, speaker wire, etc, can make a system perform better. But what each of those can do (to various degrees), if a person is strategic about getting value for their money, is to allow a system to perform to its maximum potential. Kind of like a crappy (anything) can make things worse, but IMO you don't have to spend much to get to a level a quality in an accessory component that *won't* degrade things and let's the source shine through unimpeded.
[This message has been edited by Kevin C Brown (edited August 13, 2003).]