Hi ae,

Not clear from your post (to me). Is the third unit performing correctly? If so it sounds as if you received the ugly first, - next the bad, and should be arriving at the good.
I own two 950’s and have not had the kind of karma you have had, I have seen (one, - I believe) other owner who went through three to get it right. I would be heaving a big sigh on the third. But since I’m a consumer who has experienced the “norm” for Outlaw, excellent products with excellent back up service. I say hang in…I have a 20 something year old waiting in the wings for one of my 950’s, periodically attempting to convince me sell it to him at a discount…he grins and states – “its used isn’t it?” (He’s put several hours on it himself) AND help him find a cheap amp AND set it all up for him….(he’s a guy on a big budget) I just laugh and say he’ll have to be very patient….till the upgrade bug strikes me again….( I told him don’t hold start holding his breath yet).

Maybe its time to perform some sort of Flambé cleansing ceremony on a couple of DVD disc’s to drive your AV blues away. Sometimes “Trouble comes in three’s” with a subsequence lengthy stretch of smoother sailing. Although with Outlaw they usually get it right the first time, I’ve had extensive trouble with some of my other AV purchases but not with Outlaw. You must be tired! I will raise my next Outlaw margarita to you, toasting you to a run of better luck!