I forgot to mention another bit of the "mess:" not only is there more cabling and an extra switch to make, but in this case, just 5 of the 5.1 channels have volume control via the 950, while the only adjustment for the .1 channel is on the ICBM. The LFE adjust on the ICBM is not really meant to be operated as a volume control. This means finding a couple volume settings on the 950 and the ICBM that match up well with each other in the 5.1 bypass mode, but it hardly gives one a maintainable balance with a volume control that can be altered from the listening position(s) with the remote.

I'm for sending $50 to Outlaw and saying, "Please supply a mod that allows me to defeat the 5.0 low frequency summing to the SUB OUT while maintaining my warranty."

[This message has been edited by bestbang4thebuck (edited August 15, 2003).]