Would someone be so kind to explain what is meant by double bass.

At the moment I am using an ICBM between my Pioneer811 and Outlaw 755 in order to control some bass management problems I was having. Soon I will be buying a new pre/pro to replace the Pioneer. This topic has me concerned about my next purchase so I have a few questions.

If I were to switch to a Outlaw 950 would that mean my ICBM would be rendered useless when it came to the analog bass management?

My concern is as it was for David Olstein is using the ICBM with the 950 or any pre/pro having the double bass problem. Who knows I might be having the same problem with the Pioneer 811 and not know it.

Thanks for any input, LTK

[This message has been edited by Luvthekeys (edited August 15, 2003).]