I believe that Dobeman is referring to a hypothetical -- an Outlaw-built pre/pro that takes the 950 and refines it, adds features, ...

There is almost certainly a "big brother" to the 950 on the drawing board; in a newsletter shortly before the first 950's shipped (early 2002) Outlaw confirmed that at that time they still intended to produce a higher-end pre/pro to follow in the 950's footsteps, although they have not said anything more about it since. Based on the design time required for a home theater pre/pro with the features and performance inherent in a "big brother" to the 950 and Outlaw's policy of keeping things quiet on new products until near the end of the design process, I'd expect it to be a while longer (more than a year? just guessing here...) before a second Outlaw pre/pro appears. For now, there's just the 950. It's certainly quite nice, though, and worth considering if you are in the market.

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