For what it's worth, I have had a Denon 3600 for the past six years. I recently added an ADCOM 7700 5 channel amp to the pre-outputs. The sound was dramatically improved. Then,I bought a 950 last week and will be returning it. Don't misunderstand, I think the 950 is a great deal. Its just that when I compared the sound of 2 channel source (CD) on bypass, and the Dolby Digital processing through both units, I couldn't tell the difference. My Denon is easier to configure and operate. The specs on both units bears this out in terms of S/N ratios and distortion. I don't care much for surround processing of 2 channel sources, so the Cirrus chips are not important to me. If ;you have SACD you will need 6 channel analog inputs with bass management. If you plan on upgrading either pre-pro or amp in the next few years, going with separates makes sense. Outlaw needs to work on the ergonomics of the face and remote, the ability to relabel inputs, a better tuner, and lower noise floor (there is less hiss in the analog inputs with my Denon). I really believe you get alot for your money with the combination, especially if upgrading is in your future. THe sound through the 950 is truly excellent-clear, well-defined, spacious, and conveys music very realistically. I believe the amp from Outlaw may never need to be upgraded, their quality is so good. I hope this helps in some way. Good Luck!