
I don't think that the following is an issue with the 950, but for peace of mind I thought I'd check with others just in case.

I have just finished watching "Die Another Day." I selected "DTS 5.1 ES" in the disc's menu - and the 950 picked it up. I thought I notice a "lip sync" problem early in the feature and it became really obvious during the "witty repartee" scene (about 34 minutes in) between Jinx and Bond, just after Jinx appears for the first time.

I then selected "DD 5.1 EX" in the disc's menu and the lip sync problem went away immediately.

My firt inclination is that the disc is at fault. Can anyone else out there first of all give their copy a spin and see if the same thing happens in their case?

I've played several discs in the last few weeks and had thought that on one of them (can't remember which - must have been a rental) that there was a slight lip sync problem as well in DTS ES. But I never thought to switch over to DD at the time.

I have just pulled out my copy of "Lord of the Rings" and the lip synch problem does not show up in either DTS ES or DD EX modes - which is why I have to think that the issue is related to the Die Another Day pressing (and perhaps others) and not the 950.

Just thought I'd check to see if others have had the same, or similar problems.


Jeff Mackwood
Jeff Mackwood