Sure you can. Because Philip, Sanjay, and myself value Logic 7, we want to be able to tell if you don't like Logic 7 because you "just don't like it" or because there's something wrong with Logic 7 that we should get on the horn with Lexicon about.
You and I frequently disagree about things (such as tubes vs. solid state) but I respect you a lot, and I'm sure that both Philip and Sanjay respect you, too. I know them both personally, and I can tell you that they're not attacking you: just trying to dig for information.
Also, you have to understand that we at the SMR Forums often see people coming in and bashing Lexicon without ever having heard one of their products. It's almost a habit of course to start digging for clarification the moment we hear a disparging remark about Logic 7 because until we can get clarification, we never know if it's a valid complaint or not.
I don't think you're a "basher", but then, I know you better than Philip and Sanjay do.
