
Of course you're correct, the Paradigm PW2200 is Self-Powered. I don't know why I had it in my head , that it wasn't. But I see what you're saying. The other speakers will be connected to the Amplifier, while the PW2200 will connect with the 950 Processor.

" 1-755 and 4-M200 monoblocks for a total of 9 amps @ 200 WPC for less than a buck a watt. "

I like the sound of that idea! I took a look at the M200 and that seems like a very resonable way to go. I'm seriously considering it.

Will my Monitor 9 v.3's be okay with that kind of wattage coming from the M200 in a Bi-Amp set-up (2-M200 per speaker)? Do you think they can handle that kind of power, considering the Monitor 9's threshold that is listed in my first post? I read a lot comments about the Monitor series, which claimed they do very well with lower wattage. One person even stated these speakers... " like lower wattage" .

You see, I already have my Monitor 9 v.3's in the house, but I'm waiting on the Paradigm Studio Series System One to come in. I was originally to buy the versions of those speakers that have been available for the last year or two, but my dealer gave me the option of purchasing the ones that have been out (at a slightly reduced price), or waiting another month or so (sometime in early August?) for Paradigm to release the latest and reportedly improved version of the Studio Series line( slight price increase).
Paradigm has a new Signature Series coming out (way out of my price range), and from what I hear, they have trickled down the improvements to the Studio Series. So, I decided to purchase this updated version of the Studio Series. Hopefully, they'll be released and shipped soon.

Smart Little Lena, I'm not really interested in 6.1 and 7.1 right now. I'm sure I don't understand the benefits of having 1 or 2 more Surround speakers, on top of the 5.1. I am open to opinions on the subject, and I'll certainly do some research and reading on it; along with discussing it with my dealer. You make a good point, and I should consider those options for future purposes.

If I do go with the 755 Amplifier, and later decide to opt for 6.1 or 7.1, maybe I can just pick up one or two more M200's. Yes? The 950 should be able to handle that, it is a 7.1 Processor. What do you folks think?

And yes, I'm sure I will be holding off on the Bi-Amping, until I get these systems all together. I guess I will piece it together and make the adjustments, as the components come in.

Afterall, I will still need a quality Processor for my strictly Audio system. Any suggestions?

Thanks again, for your help! It's much appreciated!

[This message has been edited by NMyTree (edited July 19, 2003).]