There are plenty of good albums in all styles of music out there for the taking. Also there are nice quality TT (Music Hall and Projects) that are much better than anything you could get in the $500 to $1000 range years ago, and they have nice arms (I know I have the Project nine arms) and nice cartridges. Records can be bought at thrift stores, yard sales, from you friends who will give them to you just for carting them off. IT is a great time to be in Vinyl. There is so much on vinyl that will never make it to CD and it is good. I would still argue that before I got rid of my Sota Cosmos $5.5M and picked up a Project, and added a SACD player that the vinyl sounded better in my system. It is still close. A lot of the Blues, Jazz and Folk music that I have on LPs will never see a CD. All of our great heritage lost is we don't support this format and take care of a facet of hghend that is still growing, albeit slowly.