I generate perceptions from reading but I want to ask other Outlaws if they perceive a sonic difference between the 950 and a 2-channel preamp. If my primary goal is 2-channel (but I need HT capability) will I want to add a 2-channel preamp (ie my local dealer suggested an Audio Researc SP16). I will require a phono stage.

I'm currently running a Scott 222c for music and the 1050 for HT. This may be due to my Klipsch speakers which I like a lot more with the Scott than the 1050 in 2-channel mode. For HT the SS 1050 is great.

If I bought a pair of new speakers (pick a model with list price under $5k) then would the 950 be ok for 2-channel? I wish I could have two rooms but that is not the case.

Will the RR2150 sound better than the 950/770 in 2-channel mode?