Lots of your digital cable is still going to be sent to you in 2-channel only. Get used to playing with your SM buttons on the 950 remote. You’ll rarely get DD and then sometimes very often its 2.0 (VS) 5.1.

Through your VHS, I’d still try playing with DPLII modes. The only time I use 5/6 stereo is if the soundtrack really does not give DPLII anything at all to work with and I’m watching a Bbuster type movie and want to fake myself out with some general Surround Noise.

In 5 stereo you’re repeating 2 channels into all your surrounds. In DPLII (if it’s recorded in a certain way) you actually get steering to various speakers (closer to multi-channel discreet stuff).

A good example of a movie you’ll reap great benefits from using DPLII is “Frequency”, it was playing on my Satellite at different times for a month recently. DPLII steered this thing so well, I was amazed, even though the feed was stereo. I watched portions of the movie on a couple of different days just listening to how well the 950 handled it.