I don't own a 950 so forgive me if this question is off a little. Looking at the calibrated numbers that Kevin_R posted, shouldn't he readjust his system so that the trims on the mains are at 0? Then he could adjust all the other levels accordingly. The additive volumes he posted from his other speakers are just making up for the adjustment on his mains. His surround trims may have to go to -1 and -2 (L and R respectively) to also compensate for this adjustment. Just a thought.

One other thing Kevin_R, make sure you recheck all your connections. Unplugging one unit and replugging another can be tedious and sometimes you can miss one connection or another. Also make sure that your speaker connections are in phase. Not that I've ever done this before...

[This message has been edited by Jason J (edited June 20, 2003).]