Soundstage is affected by the the totality of several factors.

I'd check into SH's suggestion that he feels your calabration might be off (viewing the dB's you stated),... he will never toot his own horn (I will) he's Bone-a-fied!!! ("Brother where art thou") A professional ...worked on the ST of True Lies, - the DVD special re-master of Superman in 2000/01? etc. If he feels the #'s you posted are off on your calabration, its worth a double ck. I never note where mine actually sit, unless I've calabrated then moved one off for a recording (CC bump).

Double check your calb, and be aware when using the 950 remote. (Your numbers seem too in line for this situation)...but if you set master V @ 0. Then use the buttons labeled "volume" up/down on the remote you are moving your master volume (again...and off 0) sure you are using the <> (around the center toggle of the remote) during calabration for trimming. (prob only a mistake (I) would make!)

I'm not discounting burn-in....I've seen some affects I thought I have noted due possibly to this. - but from your description of your lack of satisfaction, I feel its more likely a combo of areas to adjust...possibly crossovers, calb, burnin etc combined?

[This message has been edited by Smart Little Lena (edited June 19, 2003).]