
Same here. Husband and I (excitedly) hooked up long awaited 950/770. …and fizzle.

Husband trying to be polite. Ummmm, what do you think?
Me: (I knew what he was doing). Weeeellll, I think the old reciever sounded better. Maybe somethings not right?

Two weeks or so of tweaking later……incredible system. Keep at it. For some they can plug it in and notice a leap forward …for others …like me and my husband, we had a lot of issues to deal with, Too many new components to mesh at once. New speakers,,,room acoustics to account for….getting Calibration RIGHT.
(possible Gonks burn-in) don’t know. But I advise play with it. And its So exciting when the SS opens up and its THERE.

Beautiful system after that.