Mike- See that's just it. For example, if the 950 had Logic 7, I would still have it, even if it did still did cost only $800 or $900. So I think the 950 does reasonably compete with gear quite a bit more expensive.

It's OK to stand by what you think, but let me ask, what other pre/pros or receivers have you directly compared it to in your system?

And not to dwell on the "flawless" thing, but it did take Sony about 18 months and 3 software upgrades to get the TA-E9000ES to the point where it should have been when it originally shipped, and maybe Sanjay can comment on the fact that even Lexicon with the DC-2/MC-1 ended up with software at the version 4 level, so they weren't flawless when they were originally introduced either. The 1st version of the Anthem didn't ship with DPL II or DTS-ES, Rotel and the double bass problem, the B&K Ref 50 and the high freq digital electronics whine, etc, etc, etc...
If it's not worth waiting until the last minute to do, then it's not worth doing.

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