Outlaw has always been the Kmart of the separates world
MIKE, you cracked me up over that analogy!

(that means STOP, I strongly disagree)

If you were a girl (in Dallas) you would get this one (but I’ll try to translate for you!)

When I go to Loehmann’s I can pay $128.00 for a shirt. (very well made and special)
I can go to Neiman Marcus and pay $325.00 for that same shirt.

But what I can NEVER NEVER DO…is find that shirt at K-Mart (or anything the caliber of Outlaw)!!!.

Mix. HI! Intel Cust S. toll-free at 877.649.5817. Hey Mix, are you up on laptops? If so can we start an off-topic in Outlaw to Outlaw?